PIONEUR conference: March 10, Florence

Redazione Nove da Firenze
Redazione Nove da Firenze
27 Febbraio 2006 10:22
PIONEUR conference: March 10, Florence

Il Centro Interuniversitario di Sociologia Politica (CIUSPO) dell’Università di Firenze organizza il Convegno "Mobility and the emergence of European identity among national and foreign citizens in the EU" che si terrà venerdì 10 Marzo 2006 nell’Aula Magna del Polo delle Scienze Sociali dell’Università di Firenze, via delle Pandette (edificio D6). Il Convegno presenterà i risultati della ricerca PIONEUR, condotta con il sostegno della Commissione Europea (5° Programma Quadro), Coordinatore il prof.

Ettore Recchi.

The PIONEUR project has been financed within the ‘Key Action Improving the socio-economic knowledge base’ under the 5th Framework Programme. It started in 2003 and will end in April 2006.
The project investigates three main aspects of mobility: 1) the conditions and motives of internal mobility within the EU; 2) the effects of internal mobility on the quality of life and individual prospects of movers; 3) the attitudes of ‘internal movers’ towards EU institutions and their European identification.
The overarching research goal is to answer the following questions: Who are ‘internal movers’ in the EU and what makes them migrate from one country to another? What are the implications of mobility for the quality of life, wellbeing, socio-cultural integration, and subjective expectations of the persons and families involved? Does the experience of internal mobility reshape and widen the sense of political and cultural belonging to Europe?
The PIONEUR research group is coordinated by the Centro Interuniversitario di Sociologia Politica (University of Florence; international director: Ettore Recchi) and composed by the Center of Socio-Legal Studies (Oxford University; director: Damian Tambini), the Centre d’Etude de la Vie Politique Française (CNRS, Paris; director: Anne Muxel), the Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen (Mannheim; director: Michael Braun), and the Observatorio Europeo de Tendencias Sociales (University of Alicante; director: Antonio Alaminos).

The conference is also part of the initiatives promoted by the European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities) for the European Year of Workers’ Mobility.

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