Sesto Fiorentino: here are Michigan University, University of Wisconsin and Duke University students!

Redazione Nove da Firenze
Redazione Nove da Firenze
11 Luglio 2006 18:52
Sesto Fiorentino: here are Michigan University, University of Wisconsin and Duke University students!

The Sesto Fiorentino's Mayor, Gianni Gianassi, met yesterday afternoon the students of Michigan University and University of Wisconsin and Duke University in the center of Villa Corsi Salviati. “Our city -Gianassi declared- accommodates yours important university having a tight tie with citizens of a great Country. The Communal Administration loves to get quikly to an involvement with your institutions and students in our city”. 41 American students took part of the ceremony. they join the courses at Villa Corsi Salviati during next three weeks, in order to leave in september. “For students of Michigan University and the Wisconsin's -Sandra Palaich, director of the summer program, declared- the studies are an important formative experience, not only from the academic point of view, but also because it allows an immediate contact with the Italian culture, always admired and appreciated, and now tried in the alive and directed way”.

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