The central Russian Region of Penza, located 600 km south-east of Moscow, hopes to lure Italian investors to the region to provide an additional boost to the area's growing agro-industrial sector

Redazione Nove da Firenze
Redazione Nove da Firenze
04 Novembre 2004 15:10
The central Russian Region of Penza, located 600 km south-east of Moscow, hopes to lure Italian investors to the region to provide an additional boost to the area's growing agro-industrial sector

With this idea in mind an official delegation headed by the Penza Governor Vasily Bochkarev will visit Italy between 9th and 14th of November this year. Among members of the delegation are regional agricultural department chief Vladimir Reznichenko, CEO of the Penza Agrotechnica Corporation Zyakyaria Yakupov and director of the Regional Agency for Investments and Developments Sergei Zhulyabin. In Bologna they intend to study some farming machinery exhibited at the EIMA.

In Pisa they will meet representatives of Italian firms engaged in hide currying and production of leather garments.

Demand for advanced farming machinery is growing fast in the Penza Region due to acceleration and diversification of the agricultural production. This year local farmers have attained a record grain harvest of one million tons and are now striving to produce annually no less than 1.5 million tons of grain. The goal can be reached if they increase productivity and utilize their land more effectively by introducing the most modern farming machinery and technologies. Responding to the farmers' demand several machinery plants in the area has already re-oriented their production to agricultural equipment.

Besides, there is a strong drive among Penza area farming community, supported by the regional authorities, to significantly increase their cow and sheep livestock.

This in turn will create the need for enterprises for hide processing and production of footwear, sheepskin coats and leather garments.

"Italians are world-renown leaders in production of these goods, so we have recommended our Penza clients to go to Italy first if they want to find really good partners for developing this specific market segment", explains Dr. Igor Vdovin, CEO of the Moscow-based National Agency for Direct Investments.

The agency assists Penza regional authorities and business community in bringing outside financial resources and expertise for local investment projects.

It also arranges business meeting for the delegation during the forthcoming visit.

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