1st International conference on Vulnerability of 20th century cultural heritage to hazards and prevention measures
Università di Firenze: mercoledì 3 - venerdì 5 aprile 2002

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Redazione Nove da Firenze
18 Febbraio 2002 12:55
1st International conference on Vulnerability of 20th century cultural heritage to hazards and prevention measures<BR>Università di Firenze: mercoledì 3 - venerdì 5 aprile 2002

The Conference will provide a forum for scientists and experts in the field of vulnerability of cultural heritage to natural and technological hazards field in order to improve and update information about scientific achievements and policy in risk management. RHODES is the appropriate location to discuss risk assessment and remedy strategies of the cultural heritage and for the expression of intra-European cooperation and exchanges between Europe and the other continents, because of its multiethnological and millenary culture.

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