The social responsibility of Chianti Classico Wine Consortium

Redazione Nove da Firenze
Redazione Nove da Firenze
29 Settembre 2006 13:50
The social responsibility of Chianti Classico Wine Consortium

Everyone knows that the Consorzio Vino Chianti Classico safeguards and promotes the wine produced in Chianti and that its activities are closely linked to the territory of reference understood as the macro meaning of community: territory, environment and society. Fewer perhaps understand that the operations of the Chianti Classico Wine Consortium can be read as attention to the principles of what in a corporate framework (especially with the advent of post-Fordism and of social, economic and cultural globalization) is called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The European Commission defines CSR as “the integration on a voluntary basis on the part of companies of social and ecological concerns in their commercial operations and in their relations with interested parties.”

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