On Tuesday 11th April 2006 at 11:30 am CET, Fondiaria-Sai CEO Fausto Marchionni will be presenting the Group 2006-2008 Industrial Plan to the Financial Community. Live video coverage of the presentation will be available on this website in English or Italian.
Conference Call
It will also be possible to listen to the presentation by phone in either language by calling any of the following numbers (during the live event):
UK +44 (0)20 7162 0025
ITALIA (Milano) +39 023 0350 9003
OLANDA (Amsterdam) +31(0)20 7965 008
DANIMARCA (Copenhagen) +45 3271 4607
IRLANDA (Dublino) +353(0)1 4364 106
GERMANIA (Francoforte) +49(0)695 8999 0507
SVIZZERA (Ginevra) +41(0)2 2592 7007
NORVEGIA (Oslo) +47 2156 3121
FRANCIA (Parigi) +33(0)1 7099 3208
SVEZIA (Stoccolma) +46(0)8 5052 0110
US +1 334 323 6201
Questions may be put to the speaker at the end of the presentation by dialing any of the above numbers.
To ensure a timely connection it is recommended that users register at least 15 minutes before the Webcast begins.
Fondiaria Sai: Live Video Webcast on Tuesday 11th April 2006