FORCO.PRECA.NET: meeting yesterday in Florence between University of Florence and University of Toulouse

Redazione Nove da Firenze
Redazione Nove da Firenze
02 Giugno 2004 23:30
FORCO.PRECA.NET: meeting yesterday in Florence between University of Florence and University of Toulouse

Morning Session c/o MUSEO Storia Naturale SALA STROZZI, Via la Pira 4 Firenze.
Opening Lecture : Intermediate report of LRE/EGO-CreaNET.
Paolo Manzelli- Director of LRE/EGO CREA-NET , speaking about the intermediate Report sustain the need of anticipating innovative cognition in economy for responding and shaping the fast changing of knowledge driven world and for overcoming the obsolete industrial society organizational principia of the international division of labour.

As a matter of facts “anticipation” is more than a linear extrapolation of forecasting; in fact it is not enough to understand the past to get a complex look to the future transformation of KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY because we need to connect the opportunities with the expected results during a deep societal world wide change.

The focus of the “anticipation” is to understand the SKILL SHORTAGE in post industrial management of European Society, opening an approach of “mutual e.learning” for developing and sharing knowledge in a continuous education by means the interactive use of e.learning platforms.

Prof Carlo Catarsi , of Social and Pedagogical studies of the University of Florence remember the historical “Cultural Divide” happen in Florence during the transformation of the City at the times of the govern of the MEDICI family.

The previous aristocracy was based on farm production, following the oligarchic republic dominated by the financial power of MEDICI, the exclusion the previous the traditional aristocracy was very strong.

In Florence at those times is living a family named BISCHERI , till now caused by such social and economic exclusion the name BISCHERI is attributed to all people that do not demonstrate also today “Business Intelligence”.

Carlo Catarsi made an historical analogy in contemporary time to the people that suffer of “Cultural Divide” in respect of the Digital Information Society, that gives a new kind of fragility to person and enterprises that are nor be able to assume the culture of the Global information Society.

On the Issue of the CULTURAL DIGITAL DIVIDE in respect to the precarization and fragility of intellectual job was also the speaking of Dr.

Maurizio Bottarini of SOFTEC spa, ; he stress the need to overcome the skill shortage in knowledge economy issues, realizing appropriated Courses in e.learning organized in co-operation between University and Industry

Following the Dr. Gianluca Milanese propose to search for partners for e.learning European projects on SKILL SHORTAGE for the NETWORKING ECONOMY.

Finally Prof. Gilbert De Terssac <> in agreement with the intervention of Prof.

Michel Founet < > propose a possible co-operation for the future that can be developed with the co-ordination of LRE/EGO-CreaNET between the University of Toulose and the University of Florence. This collaboration can be effectively realized through an organization of an “European Master” developed at trans-national multi-disciplinary level for professions linked to the development of the EUROPEAN KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY.

In evidenza