Meeting of San Rossore: Final Declaration

Redazione Nove da Firenze
Redazione Nove da Firenze
19 Luglio 2001 00:24
Meeting of San Rossore: Final Declaration

SAN ROSSORE This is the document presented at the end of the meeting “From Global to Glocial” subscribed by all participants. It will be submitted to the Genoa Forum:
Meeting of San Rossore, Final Declaration
We, regional and local government administrators, associations, NGOS, social and economic organizations, people of the Church, intellectuals, who have convened here in San Rossore from various parts of the world to discuss calmly and serenely the issues of globalization.
Declare that:
· Globalization in its present form is a threat to the enviroment and peoples’ quality of life, it can strip them of their identity, it increases the wealth of the few and the poverty of the rest.
· This is something that cannot be ignored nor denied.
· Each one of us has a responsibility to find alternatives ways and means that respect the earth and the rights of its peoples.
· A new devolopment model can only be the result of cooperation between local and regional communities and administrations that reclaim their right to decide their own future.
· It is indispensable that people get together and talk peacefully respecting their differences.

It is possible and today we have proved it.
· We can all learn something important from meeting such as this, something that can be put into practice in our communities.
· San Rossore is a model that we offer to the world and owselves. It will be repeated every year. We hope that this model will be reproduced wherever there are responsible administrators and communities with a sense of awareness - men and women who do not forget that they are part of human race, that they all live on the same planet.

In evidenza