This initiative (Monday 2 April , 9h15-18h, at the Teatro della Badia, EUI of Firenze) is the result of a joint effort between the newly established Gender Studies Programme at the Robert Schuman Centre of the EUI, the Dipartimento di Filologia Moderna, Università di Firenze - which is engaged in an effort with other departments of Florence University to create a degree in Gender History - and ATHENA (EU-funded Socrates Thematic Network Project for Women’s Studies in Europe). The conference brings together gender scholars from across Europe for reflection on current questions facing gender studies.
Speakers: Rosi Braidotti, Utrecht University, Netherlands; Francesca Cantù, Università di Roma, Italy; Gabriele Griffin, Kingston University, UK; Bente Rosenbeck, University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Anna Scattigno, Università di Firenze, Italy.
Discussants: Bianca Beccalli, Università di Milano, Italy; Nina Lykke, University of Southern Denmark.
Chairs: Liana Borghi, Università di Firenze, Italy; Luisa Passerini, EUI, Italy.
Roundtable participants: Laura Balbo, President of ISA, Italy (chair); Eva D Bahovec, Ljubljana University, Slovenia; Sara Goodman, Lund University, Sweden; Anastasia Lada, Aristotle University, Greece; Raffaella Lamberti, Centro di documentazione delle donne, Italy (chair); Nicky Le Feuvre, Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, France; Paola Pallavicini, Rete30something & CIRSDe, Italy; Maria Puig de la Bellacasa, ULB, Belgium; Maurizio Vaudagna, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy; Ulla Wischermann, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Germany.
Martedì, 04 Marzo 2025 - 12:29