"E. commerce" is an activity without frontiers

Redazione Nove da Firenze
Redazione Nove da Firenze
12 Ottobre 2000 23:07

Riceviamo dal prof. Paolo Manzelli del Laboratorio di ricerca educativa dell'Università di Firenze e volentieri pubblichiamo:
Starting from the consideration that "e. commerce" is an activity without frontiers, it is possible to think up to the serious gap for the future growth of Mediterranean "e. Society".
The gap is well focused on observing the unsatisfied contemporary lack of access of Euro-Med SME's to an effective presence on the Global electronic market contemporary development.
From the other side it is necessary to underline the vital role of "SME's in the global production for the future development of Mediterranean " e..Society, so that we need to operate for improving small and medium-sized enterprises, to develop their rapid adoption on "e-commerce", because developmental strategies are crucial to continue economic success of EURO-MED countries.
Therefore at first we need to understand how to overcome the general reluctance of SME's to the electronic access in the "e.

market", and we suppose that this diffident behaviour is a direct consequence of some difficulties that SME's encounter when they open their attention to mature a new approach of e.business trade models for improving their products on "e.market".
One of the decisive obstacle for SMEs is coming from the deficit of an truly competitive "e.commerce promotion", that allows SME's to access global market, encouraging them to advance in a networked relationships of a business to business perspective and for capture new customers and suppliers in "e.commerce".
Stating up to stimulate SMS's to advance in the dimension of "electronic market" first of all it will be a necessity to provide a clearer views about the issue concerning partnership development of EXTENDED ENTERPRISES in the new path of the NETWORKED DIGITAL ECONOMY.
In fact common misunderstanding of SMEs regarding "e.

commerce" is originated by mass media that develop a improper information among the facility to enter in the "e. market", that persuades SMS's in believing that for "e. commerce" trade is sufficient clicking into the WEB and believing that the use of internet it is an easy and simple way to do new market profits and not expensive marketing on line.
Hence the mass-media information is acting to stimulate an inappropriate idea that every business in future belongs to internet; in this way og distributing mass-information, the mass-media are really responsible to the delusion of SME's,..

In fact at all time that they discover there are some trillion of web pages , organised in portals and vortals etc.., visible on the World Wide Web, and their number is growing very fast , so that the confusion of information is so big that SME'S generally desist to develop any start up on "e.commerce" .
Ago SMEs descover even that the major part of those information visibleon WWW generally do not help SME's to operate into unfamiliar foreing "e.market" for " e.", and/or for export/import and logistic of transport opportunities and so on.
In conclusion need to be clear that "e.

commerce" is not only defined by "an interchange of goods, services or property of any kind through an electronic medium." , but in spite of this simple statement "e. commerce" represent a very complex approach to contemporary trade development, because it is an integral part of a much broader social and economic change characterised by the globalisation of "e.market".
Beginning from this important consideration it is possible to understand and to employ some good strategies oriented for shifting SME's trade opportunities, towards an traditional economy based , to the new "economy of knowledge based development" that characterise the "e.

society". progress. This complex change of economics and societal model has been called the "Digital Networked Economy" of the creative knowledge age, or in different expression the "NET-Economy paradigm for developing e.Society ".
In spite of previous considerations, aiming to support SMEs to the challenges of "e.commerce" globalization, the LRE-EGOCra NET and the PIN of the University of Florence think that it will be an important need , to define a strategy giving new possibilities to SMSs for outward expansion and growth that brings them to acquire competitive challenges in the globalization of "e.

market" , by means the creation of EXTENDED ENTERISES for "e.society" evolution.
Therefore, recalling that the great industry responds to globalisation with a complex process of capital fusion for enlarging multinational enterprises, LRE-EGO-CreaNET and PIN start to investigate SMS's needs, and ultimately initiate to propose a number of different perspectives in a way that SMEs can be enclosed in the global competition of trade changes in "e.market", not as single isolated enterprise, but within a process of developing EXTENDED ENTERPRISES in a way that change rapidly and radically their success factors and resources prospective of they competitiveness into the globalization of "e.

Since the launch of EUMEDIS "e.commerce" pilot project LRE/EGO-CreaNET and PIN and also the Eurosportello of Confesercenti in Florence, begin to organise the idea tand the strategy to develop as a semi-public multinational agency, able to work co-operatively as partner of SMEs enterprises for improving, with a methodology of "concerted action" , their competitiveness and managment practices This Agency will be organised as a virtual multinational trade promotion organization and it is defined with the acronym ECKTAF (Electronic Commerce Know How Telematics Agency).
" Concerned actions " means getting in a common communication strategy the know-how among SME'S , University , schools and Pubblic and Private services, and also venture capital society , etc looking for a mutual learning from each other, and adopting each other's best practices in telematics connectivity , with a view to improve and search for existing support measures, finalised to build up truly professional support chain of SMEs (with no profit and profit constitution) with the highest possible standards of technological quality and promotional competencies in the field of "e.commerce".
The global expansion of "e.

market" is emerging from a new paradigm of "Concerned Actions in networked organisation" of developmental "e.Society" activities : in fact the "Extended Enterprise" becomes a new organisation of multinational management chain structure, able to extend any enterprise in internet-networking. It is a well documented practice that the growth of appropriate co-organization of Extended Enterprises into the "space market" on the www , is able to change the rules of the economy development, following economic principles very different in respect to the traditional ones; i.e.

the economical convictions well known for the traditional trade application to the local market.
W. BRIAN ARTHUR (x), Citibank Professor at the Santa Fe Institute., conceives that, the NET-Economy of the Extended Enterprises, will be characterised by the principle of " increasing returns" , rather than "diminishing returns of additional value" that it is typical of classical economy.
Prof. Brian Arthur educes this fundamental result from complexity of the "network effects" in world wide web of interactive global economy expansion.
The principle "increasing returns" sheds new light on understanding developmental strategy for the net economy applied to " e.commerce".
Believing in this new economical approach, the last but not the list reflection is that the Extended Enterprises networking affiliation, can be able to dismantling the barriers of SME's in their start up role on the contemporary globalisation of "e.market", i.e Extended Enterprise telematisc connective model organization is acting as a catalyst for competitive advantage for any enterprise endeavour, in economy as well as in culture education and science into the evolution path of the new qualified knowledge framework of "e.Society".
Projects Implementation Preliminary Steps
The LRE-EGO.Crea-NET and the PIN of the University of Florence get a feeling to the positive effects of the emerging NET-ECONOMY in the construction of "e.Society " and so that they start to propose a multi-function , (legal, economic,technological) networked partners affiliation acting on a EURO-MED international basis for improving a <> in co-opration with Promofranchising , a section of the Italian associatuon of retailers CONFESRCENTI, aiming to elaborate a Pilot Project in "e.

commerce" for the EUMEDIS call (Dead line 22/Jan./01).
Therefore following the above goal to recognise and experiment an EXTENDED ENTERPRISES strategy , for the growth of "e.Society", we are searching partners in the EURO-Med area , and during this exploration we think very useful to integrate out project ECKTAF with another similar proposal for Eumedis pilot projects in e.commerce named EL BAB.
The integration between the two projects EL BAB - ECKTAF will be discussed with some partners that get agreement on the projects melting on the basis of an overview of related pilot projects to the international conference (Prato 16/OCT/2000).
E.Socitey Long Term Plan
If we envisage the challenge of improving the Emerging Digital Economy with a long term strategy rather than a short term "e.market developmentel objective", we understand that renew of concept ond methodology of technology-assisted training and education need to be increase at the same accelerated rate that "product" and "knowledge" life cycles are decreasing.
The last consideration means that it will be necessary to to provide to new knowledge following the constructivist approaches, at breakneck speed for creating new professions by means new types of educational approaches laying their foundation on Web-based training and assessment electronic materials.
Furthermore since the launch program LEONARDO 2001-2003, and considering several factors: concerning the lack of new profession for developing a new knowledge paradigm of e.Society related to "e.commerce" , LRE/EGO-CreaNET and PIN of University of Florence initiate to propose a project on the issue:
BRAIN-WORKERS KNOW NET, that will be submited at the call LEONARDO (dead line 19-Jan.01) .

This project follow the LEONARDO 2000 Net-Generation Net Economy Project for the professional schooling system; at difference of the last, the new project LEONARDO 2001 , will develop a strategy of "just in time education on demand lifelong learning oriented" , organised through a KNOW-HOW network inclusive of the cration of an "Extended networked Enterprise" among European, Schools, Universities, and Electronic Editors.
The long term goal of the KNOWLEDGE WORKERS KNOW NET project it will be growing up the greatest access to all citizen participation to the project for developing e.Society professional and cultural advancement.
To argument and to advance those projects the LRE/EGO-CreaNET and PIN of University of Firenze organise in Prato the 16/OCT/00 the international conference on EXTENDED ENTERPRISES for developing e.Society , aiming to open an effective debate tacking in advisement that tools of classical economics as well as traditional methods of learning are no longer adequate to advance the world economics globalization in the age of interactive knowledge.

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