International Study Meeting on Ugo Schiff and the Chemistry in Florence (Ugo Schiff Hall - October 17, 2000)

Redazione Nove da Firenze
Redazione Nove da Firenze
29 Luglio 2000 17:46
International Study Meeting on Ugo Schiff and the Chemistry in Florence (Ugo Schiff Hall - October 17, 2000)

The Laboratory of Research in Education (LRE) of the Department of Chemistry, which is continuously operating for the diffusion of the cultural and practical aspects of Chemistry in the society and in the school at various levels, is proposing the realization of the "International Store-house of Chemistry - Ugo Schiff", which is dedicated to the famous chemist, well known for the synthesis of the Shiff bases, who founded the School of Chemistry in Florence.
This initiative should be accomplished by creating inside the Natural History Museum of the University of Florence, which will take over the space presently occupied by the Department of Chemistry and the School of Chemistry which are mooving in a near future to the new Campus of Sesto Fiorentino, a special section dedicated to the History of Chemistry.
The Store-house should become an active center for the diffusion and the knowledge of Chemistry by means of the organization of meetings, conferences and seminars on the history and actuality of Chemistry, the show of documentaries on the accomplishments of Chemistry in recent years and the new discoveries in sciences in which Chemistry is of central importance: biotechnology, new materials, pharmacy and medicine, art conservation, space and others.
The "International Store-house of Chemistry - Ugo Schiff", besides the historic Hall of Chemistry, entitled to Ugo Schiff, will organize a cultural "trail" through ancient chemistry laboratories, rooms with interactive displays for search into the data base of scientific articles, books and letters of Ugo Schiff, "virtual" visits to the research laboratories of the Department of Chemistry in the new Campus and other important sites for chemistry all over the world.

The Hall of Chemistry is central in the project and shall actively be used as a center for the presentation of the activities and initiatives about teaching and researching in Chemistry brought about by the "International Store-house of Chemistry -Ugo Schiff".
The meeting will take great advantage from the partecipation of numerous members of the Chemical Heritage Foundation of the American Chemical Society.

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