Mental Change in Knowledge Driven Economy for participating to the following European call on "e.Government"

Redazione Nove da Firenze
Redazione Nove da Firenze
08 Luglio 2003 12:56
Mental Change in Knowledge Driven Economy for participating to the following European call on

The LRE-EGO-CreaNET of the University of Florence is interested in the field of "Mental Change in Knowledge Driven Economy" for participating to the following European call on "e.Government". See: ‘Topics, instruments and deadlines for the First Call of Priority 7 ‘Citizens and governance in a knowledge based society’
Research Area 1 Identifier: [FP6-2002-Citizens-3]
Closing Date(s): 10 December 2003, at 17:00 (Brussels local time)
OJ Reference: OJ C315 of 17.12.2002
Activity area(s): Improving the generation, distribution and use of knowledge and its impact on economic and social development.
Work Programme Code -Topics Type of Instrument and Deadline 1.1.2 Knowledge dynamics and economic and societal development in Europe and its regions IP/Integrated Projects - DEAD LINE (10.12.2003).
TITLE: "Mental change needs for integrating and strengthening the "ERA" (ERA = European research Area).
Target Partner
The search for partners is regarding all the Governamental Regions in Europe and the Centers of RTD and also SME's Associations, working in all the fields regarding the needs on change in collaborative thinking aspects of Knowledge Management for the development of e.Govern in the new ERA based society.
Mission Details:
To integrate multi-disciplinary concepts to socio-economic and ITC interactive systems including critical thinking and creative planning for favouring changes in occupational life and in permanent education systems.

To model a strategy how to construct integrated knowledge and understand the impact of the Knowledge Management skills innovation in a complex social, organizational, and in ITC systems and to use advanced RTD in al fields of "Mental Change" and of distributed shared knowledge construction, to design and improve European Knowledge Based Society.
Partners search - (for instance): "Brain-Mind" neurobiology , Sociology of virtual community , ITC methodology for on the job education, SME's business innovation, Technology transfer infrastructures ( e.g.

University - SME's "spin -off", etc...), interactive mass-media developers , electronic Editors, Knowledge management innovation ... and so on and certainly Governamental Regions , all oriented to develop a "e.Governance" through a strong collaboration with European Regions.
No Country:'s restriction: Any Country
Organisation Details:
Construction of a Transnational EGO-CreaNET - " Knowledge Management- Consortium."
Partners already acquired: TUSCANY REGION.

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